Sunday 24 August 2014

Onion And It's Medical Uses,,,,,,,,,,,,

The onion also known as the bulb onion orcommon onion, is used as a vegetable and is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium. This genus also contains several other species variously referred to as onions and cultivated for food, such as the Japanese bunching onion(A. fistulosum), the Egyptian onion (A. ×proliferum), and the Canada onion(A. canadense). The name "wild onion" is applied to a number of Allium species butA. cepa is exclusively known from cultivation and its ancestral wild original form is not known, although escapes from cultivation have become established in some regions. The onion is most frequently a biennial or a perennial plant, but is usually treated as an annual and harvested in its first growing season.
The onion plant has a fan of hollow, bluish-green leaves and the bulb at the base of the plant begins to swell when a certain day-length is reached. In the autumn the foliage dies down and the outer layers of the bulb become dry and brittle. The crop is harvested and dried and the onions are ready for use or storage. The crop is prone to attack by a number of pests and diseases, particularly the onion fly, the onion eelworm and various fungi that cause rotting. Some varieties of A. cepa such asshallots and potato onions produce multiple bulbs.
Onions are cultivated and used around the world. As a foodstuff they are usually served cooked, as a vegetable or part of a prepared savoury dish, but can also be eaten raw or used to make pickles or chutneys. They are pungent when chopped and contain certain chemical substances which irritate the eyes. Onions containphenolics and flavonoids that have potential anti-inflammatoryanti-cholesterol,anticancer and antioxidant properties

Medical Uses Of Onions:

Onion juice, ginger essence and tulsi is a herbal cure for cough. If you have dry cough and allergies, then you must drink this medicinal juice every mornig

Onion has potent antioxidants that helps to fight the cancerous cells in the body. Raw onion juice is one of the best ways to prevent cancer growth.

A heat stroke can be extremely dangerous if it is not treated immediately. To combat the wrath of the Indian summers, apply onion pulp juice on your feet and behind your neck. It has a cooling effect on the whole body.

Soak 4 quarters of onion and lemon juice overnight. The next morning, have this juice with salt and a dash of pepper. This is one of the age old home remedies for jaundice even before medicines came into the picture.

Excessive body heat can sometimes cause nose bleeding. At this point of time, pour 3-4 drops of onion juice into your nose. Onion is a diuretic and the bleeding will stop.

Onion has sulphur which is excellent for curing scalp related problems. Applying onion juice on the scalp helps get rid of dandruff naturally.

If you have high fever or caught a nasty cold, onions can help bring down the fever. Apply onion juice on your forehead. This absorbs the heat and brings down the fever.

Raw onion juice is the oldest known cure for tuberculosis germs. These days, we have sophisticated medication for TB. However, you can always drink onion juice as a preventive measure.

Apply onion juice mixed with lemon juice on your pimples. The natural sulphur and anti-inflammatory properties of onion will remedy the acne.

Lose motions sometimes happen due to stomach heat. Applying crushed onions around the naval can help reduce stomach heat and stop loose motions.

If you have any skin infections like eczema, then onion juice is the best natural cure for it. Onion's anti-fungal properties soothe skin infections very quickly.

Onion juice mixed with jaggery is a natural and easy way to ensure that you have regular periods.

Heat onion juice with sesame seeds. Then apply this natural mixture on your joints. The anti-inflammatory properties of onion juice help to reduce arthritis pain.

Onion juice is a quick fix cure for minor burns. Onion cools the burns, prevents blisters and doesn't allow the burned skin to fester with infections.

A mixture of lukewarm onion juice and sugar helps to dissolve and reduce the size of kidney stones.

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